College Directory
Career Technical Education
South Faculty TowerBrighton Campus
Building: 8, Room: 610
Phone Number: 585-685-6207
Web Site: Career Technical Education
Staff Listing
Name | Phone # | |
Laury, Dean J., Dean | 585-360-5578 TEXT | dlaury |
Braselton, Joy E., Management Assistant | 585-292-3672 | jbraselton |
Gerwitz, Thomas | 585-292-3729 | tgerwitz |
Gordon, Tyakeim , Student Success Coach | 585-292-3673 | tgordon007 |
Hunter, Glenda , Senior Advisor | 585-292-3293 | ghunter002 |
Lagares, Loida , Advisor | 585-292-2969 | llagares005 |
Otto, Raymond M. | 585-292-3735 | rotto3 |
Simpson, Bryton | 585-292-2966 | bsimpson12 |
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